


  • 寻找其他参会公司
  • 使用高级搜索功能确定潜在合作伙伴
  • 合作系统开放后,发出会议邀请
  • 并在一处管理您发出和接受的会议邀请


虚拟合作系统常见问题解答 ▼

Virtual meetings are hosted over the web via a video conference link we provide to you. You can choose to share video and multimedia (e.g., a slide deck) or just do an audio-only call. Just as in a real booth, everyone is encouraged to observe good partnering etiquette. Each meeting has a unique link, so you need to exit each meeting and join your next meeting through the corresponding link provided on your Meeting Schedule.

Meetings are expected to last 25 minutes and should start and end on time. Monitor your meeting time and exit each call at the designated end time. If you would like to extend your meeting, please use your own conferencing system.

Links will be published on your partneringONE Meeting Schedule on August 23.

Access your Meeting Schedule and simply click on “join the meeting” during the designated meeting time. Use a headset for best audio quality. Limit background noise.

There is not an app but partneringONE can be accessed on-the-go via your browser. There is nothing you need to download to your phone. Simply navigate to the event website and login.

The partnering hours have been extended to accommodate delegates in different time zones. It is recommended to set some time slots to ‘Available’ in the morning or evening to facilitate meetings between intercontinental participants.

Anyone on the meetingʼs participant list in partneringONE can join via the link. Add your colleague on the meeting as a participant if you would like them to be able to access the virtual meeting.

You can easily add or remove a colleague from a meeting, or add or remove yourself as well. Simply select the meeting from the Requests page and then click the pencil icon beside your company name at the top of the message. This will bring up a full list of attendees from your company. Simply click or unclick the correct participants. If you are adding someone, make sure they are marked ʻAvailableʼ on their Agenda during the appropriate timeslot.

You will be able activate your webcam, mute and unmute yourself, chat with the other party and share your screen.

First, make sure that you clicked into the correct link taking your time zone into consideration. Partnering times in partneringONE are displayed in China Standard Time (CST). If the time and link is correct, state your company name and that you have been assigned this virtual meeting booth for the next 30 minutes.  

Ask everyone to mute themselves unless they are currently talking. If you believe the issue may be on your end you can try reconnecting to the meeting, lowering the volume on your device, disconnecting your hands-free device or moving all other electronics away from your phone or computer.

All mutually agreed meetings will be scheduled instantly starting July 28. Log in to partneringONE and view your preliminary meeting schedule under Agenda - Meeting Schedule. Please check back frequently since your schedule can still change in the days leading up to and during the event.

Go to Agenda and your Meeting Schedule. Select “Calendar Export” from the upper right corner to export your partnering meetings to your personal calendar. Please note, if there are updates to your scheduled partnering meetings after you exported your calendar, you need to do this step again to update your calendar and reflect recent changes. It is recommended to wait to download your calendar until the video conference links are published, on August 23.

Meetings with “Missing Availability” could not be scheduled due to no common availability among the participants. You can help resolve this scheduling conflict by setting more timeslots to available and/or removing any optional participants from your company. Also, try opening some early morning or evening time slots to account for other time zones. partneringONE will attempt to schedule these meetings every few hours.

This usually means that the other party has contacted us to cancel their registration at the event. When a registration has been cancelled, all meetings associated with it are also cancelled and they appear as ʻRequest cancelled. Message from Administratorʼ in your inbox.

Reply to the existing meeting request in partneringONE to let them know you are waiting; if they miss the meeting entirely share your contact details for easy follow-up.

Yes, you can submit a rescheduling request via partneringONE. Go to “Agenda”- “Meeting Schedule” and select the “Rescheduling” button next to the corresponding meeting. When you submit a meeting for rescheduling, you will be offered an alternative time and date. When you agree to the alternative time slot, the meeting will be instantly rescheduled and you will then set your availability for the now empty time slot. If there is no alternative time and date offered, you can still enter the meeting for rescheduling. It will be reviewed regularly by the scheduler to see if it can fit in.

Go to your “Settings” page to manage your email and notifications preferences. You can subscribe to SMS notifications, add another email address as a secondary email as well as turn on instant notifications.

If you experience any issues regarding your virtual meeting, reach out to the partnering team at partneringteam@informaplc.onmicrosoft.com.


1. 建立档案


2. 搜索


3. 会议



⇒ 2020年7月28日

⇒ 2020年8月25日

















- Founder, ATLATL Innovation Center

"我们是一年前在这个论坛上有了和Teva的第一次合作会面。而在今年的这个会议中,我们即将与Teva达成价值可达到1.65亿美元的单子 这就是是每个投资来参加会议的人想要获得的回报"
- CEO, Rexahn Pharmaceutical

- Executive Director, Corporate Licensing, Merck & Co.

"我们公司有四人来参加这个一对一的会面,我们的目标是寻求帮助扩大公司的机会,以及投资创新的创业项目。 "
- Life Sciences Partner, Atlas Venture



Philipp Dormeier
EBD Group
电话:+49 89 23 88 756 42





